PFPSC Contribution to Health Canada AMR resources

Patients for Patient Safety Canada’s Engagement with Health Canada to Develop AMR Patient Resource
Statistics from Canada’s Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Surveillance System indicates that 93% of antimicrobials (like antibiotics) were dispensed in the community by retail pharmacies (2021). The Public Health Agency of Canada studied the Canadian public’s knowledge about AMR. The results indicated 37% of the participants used an antibiotic, 25% knew about AMR, and 86% did not recall receiving information about unnecessary antibiotic use e.g. for viral infections.
Using this data as a foundation, Health Canada invited stakeholders representing government, academia, AMR experts, and patient advocates to participate in virtual engagement sessions to develop patient-centred education resources. The sessions aimed to develop messages to improve Canadians’ understanding of the risks of AMR, and describe the role patients, as consumers, have in preserving the effectiveness of antimicrobials now and in the future.
Three virtual sessions were held Nov-Dec 2022 to determine the patient-centred content and method of distribution. The intention of these resources is to provide consistent information, improve compliance in the use of these medications, promote discussion about AMR between patients and providers, reduce patient demand for antibiotics for viral illnesses, and improve the public’s understanding of the risks associated with antimicrobial use and AMR.
There was ongoing consultation with many as the final product was designed. It was an honour for Patients for Patient Safety Canada (PFPSC) to be present at each session. PFPSC will promote this resource to our members and our network to reach as many Canadians as possible.
Please review and share the resources below with anyone who may be needing antimicrobials (e.g., antibiotics):
Additional information and resources by PFPSC are available here.