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Patient Alliance for Patient Safety

Patient Alliance for Patient Safety

Would patients be safer if patient interest groups from across Canada work together towards a common goal? We believe so.

Since 2018, 20 patient interest groups and key stakeholders set the foundation for the Patient Alliance for Patient Safety (“Alliance”) under the leadership of Patients for Patient Safety Canada.

The purpose of the Alliance is to improve the safety of care through collaboration. Patient safety is a critical aspect of care and patient, family and citizen engagement at all levels of the system is a vital force for improvement.  The collective effort of the Alliance has the potential to accelerate safety improvements.

The Alliance aims to: 

  • Develop a Canadian network of patient interest groups for whom patient safety is a priority; 
  • Identify, develop and evaluate strategies to address common patient safety issues (see below); and 
  • Learn and grow as a community by sharing ideas, knowledge, practices and evidence.

The common patient safety issue the Alliance will address is improving the safety of care journeys through public engagement. The specific goal is to increase the number of people who:

Goal: to increase the number of people who:

  • Know that there is a crisis of unintended harm in healthcare by understanding:
    1. the potential risk factors, 
    2. who is most vulnerable, 
    3. how harm happens, 
    4. how it can be prevented 
  • Are taking action to advance safer care journeys and ensuring safe environments without repercussion to:
    1. ask questions that reduce risk of harm,
    2. advocate for their own and others’ safety – especially those most vulnerable, 
    3. report incidents1 and risk to increase transparency so we can learn and improve 

Membership in the Alliance is open to any interested Partner that agrees to the Charter. Two individuals represent each Partner, at least one of which must be a patient. Patients for Patient Safety Canada facilitates this collective effort and all Partners have equal power in decision-making.

The current Alliance Partners are:

There are other organizations that act as key stakeholders for the Alliance. 

For more information on the Alliance, please contact

1Incidents include harmful incidents and near misses 

Get in touch to start making a difference today.

“In honor of those who have died, those left disabled, our loved ones today and the world’s children yet to be born, we will strive for excellence, so that all involved in healthcare are as safe as possible as soon as possible.”