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Diagnosis error is a huge patient safety problem. We need more proof!

How common are diagnosis errors? Our facts are scarce but tell us that: 

  • One-third of 346 Canadians said they or a loved one suffered patient safety harm because of misdiagnosis [Canadian Patient Safety Institute/IPSOS, 2018]. 
  • In 2017, 59% of 2536 adult U.S. patients said that diagnosis of their medical problems did not happen, was wrong, or was delayed [Institute of Health Information 2017]. 
  • The World Health Organization reports that nearly 16% of harm that could have been prevented across health systems was due to diagnosis error (2024). 

To diagnose a patient’s health problem is complex – it involves looking at the patient’s health and medical history, signs and symptoms, as well as having different tests done (e.g. blood, x-ray, etc.).  

Like the pieces of a puzzle, this information creates a clear picture of what’s good as well as what’s wrong and in need of care.   

BUT what if… 

  • One or more pieces of the puzzle are missing?  
  • The information is misread or not correctly read? 
  • There’s a delay in sharing what was found and hence a delay in diagnosis? 

These are diagnosis errors. Here’s the formal definition: “The failure to establish a correct and timely explanation of a patient’s health problem, which can include delayed, incorrect, or missed diagnoses, or a failure to communicate that explanation to the patient” [World Health Organization 2024] 

Lack of tracking and reporting errors adds to the problem 

Antibiotic Awareness

Even though we know diagnosis errors are patient safety concerns, we lack the proof in Canada, the US and the world. The lack of facts is a dangerous gap in our healthcare system.  

Better tracking and reporting of diagnosis errors in Canada starts with each of us. Patients for Patient Safety Canada urges everyone to share their stories and advocate for better proof of diagnosis error. This is a priority if we are to:  

  • understand the scope or how big the problem is 
  • support changes in diagnosis and follow-up actions  
  • reduce harm and advance patient safety practices 
  • urge patients to be more involved in understanding diagnosis, the process leading up to diagnosis and any needed follow-up care.  

Our patient and family stories (video, written, or audio) are the best proof we have. These stories show the range or types of diagnosis errors and the impact on patients and families. Listen to some of these stories here, share them with others, and add yours.  

Use #WPSD2024 and #patients4safety in your public communication to unite and elevate our collective voices. Contact if you have ideas, questions, or feedback. 

Get in touch to start making a difference today.

“In honor of those who have died, those left disabled, our loved ones today and the world’s children yet to be born, we will strive for excellence, so that all involved in healthcare are as safe as possible as soon as possible.”