AMR Resources

- AMR Aware Canada selected resources and stories to help you prevent infections safely.
- Antimicrobial resistance awareness materials from the Public Health Agency of Canada.
- Your health practices matter: frequent hand hygiene, manage chronic conditions, keep wounds clean, cough etiquette, environmental cleaning, cook foods safely, practice safe sex, update vaccinations, notify healthcare providers if you develop diarrhea, discuss how to prevent infections with your care providers.
- See guidance from Chief Public Health Officer of Canada
- Tools to help you use antibiotics wisely and to avoid getting sick by Antibiotic Wise.
- Several tools are translated in multiple languages. Like do bugs need drugs?
- Tools to support antimicrobial stewardship by Rx Files can help you understand when you need antibiotics and what to look out for. There is specific information for ear infections, sinusitis, sore throat, bronchitis.
- Also available in other languages.
- Learn from other people’s experiences
- Like Mary’s, Pearl’s and others’.
- The AMR Narrative
- Global AMR Diary
- AMR is invisible. I am not. Sharing real-life stories to encourage global action against antimicrobial resistance.
- Tips from the Experts: How to Reduce the Risk of Infection in Healthcare Facilities.
If each of us ACTS we will protect the healing power of antibiotics for future generations. Imagine a world where antibiotics do work!
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