What is Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)

Antimicrobial resistance is one of the most urgent health threats we face globally.
Imagine this: You or someone you love develops an infection. It’s something common – maybe an infected tooth, a wound, or pneumonia. Antibiotics are taken exactly as prescribed, but they have no effect! The infection persists and even worsens. What is going on?
It’s a case of antimicrobial resistance. It means that the bacteria that caused the infection is resistant to the antibiotic. Certain bacteria have adapted to survive the effects of antibiotics. In some cases, no antibiotics can be effective against the bacteria, and those infections are impossible to treat. This is a real, urgent and scary problem.
What can we do to ensure antimicrobials work when we need them?
There is good news: if we all learn about AMR and use medicines like antibiotics appropriately, we can keep these life-saving medicines effective for future generations. We can be stewards of antimicrobials, in the same way we are stewards of the environment.
Go to our resources page to find out what you can do.